Shape–Rome 2021
A juried group international exhibition of contemporary photography
PH21 Gallery
KromArt Gallery
KromArt Gallery
Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams
Via Biagio Ballai, 12
00152 Roma
October 15 – 24, 2021
Opening Reception:
October 15, 2021
7:00 P.M. CEST (UTC+2)
Exhibited Work: Regularly Scheduled Program

Regularly Scheduled Program, 2018
A PH21 Gallery Exhibition in Rome, Italy.
Living beings and inanimate objects, including the built environment come in many forms, and photographers often rely on the creative possibilities offered by their shape. While in some cases the images of things only have a depictive function, at the other end of the spectrum abstract photography concentrates on shapes and forms for their own sake up to a point when we can no longer recognise the depicted objects themselves. Between being either insignificant or the only significant element, the shape of recognisable forms may also be the driving compositional component of an image. That is, the shape of living beings and objects may be of central importance to the composition of photographs not only in abstract photography but also in virtually all other photographic genres. These images capture our attention and stand out for their creative compositional form.
This PH21 Gallery exhibition is presented in Rome, Italy, in collaboration with KromArt Gallery and Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams. PH21 Gallery is a contemporary exhibition space established in 2012 in Budapest, Hungary. The gallery curates open group and solo exhibitions for contemporary photographers around the world, both emerging and established.
Il Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams (The Experimental Center of Photography) – CSF ADAMS is a renowned Italian centre for photography with twenty years of experience with countless exhibitions to its credit and which over the years has distinguished itself for its production and photographic distribution of the highest quality. Every year, CSF Adams organizes various exhibitions, workshops, photographic events and projects, as well as collaborations with public and private entities such as: Emergency, Amnesty International, the Municipality of Rome, the Lazio Region and many others.
Inaugurated in October 2017, KromArt is an independent gallery dedicated to the promotion of international artists and works that stand out for their originality and quality, with an interest not only in photography, but also in all forms of art and in the contamination between genres.
Zsolt Bátori
Zsolt is a philosopher of art and photographer. He currently serves as dean of the Faculty of Art and Creative Industries of the Budapest Metropolitan University, and visits the University of Murcia, Spain for regular research collaboration. He has conducted research and taught philosophy of art and photography courses at various universities in Hungary, the United States, Spain and Argentina, and has exhibited his photographic work internationally. Zsolt is also the founder and director of PH21 Gallery.
Borbála Jász
Borbála is an art historian and a philosopher of art. She works as a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and as an assistant professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. She is responsible for the operations of PH21’s new Project Room at Ráday 52, and she also works with PH21’s social media accounts and website.